As a small business, you need to spend your money wisely. Social media marketing is one of the most cost-effective strategies that small businesses can use to reach their target audience and grow their business. 97% of all marketers use social media to reach their audience. So why is social media marketing so popular? Here are a few reasons why you should use social media marketing for your business.
Your customers use social media
70% of the U.S. population has at least one social media profile (source: Statista). Not only are your customers using social media, but many of them are also checking these sites every single day, multiple times a day. So why not go where the people are and connect with them on these social media platforms.
Social media marketing helps increase brand recognition
Your presence on social media will present new opportunities for people to learn about your business. This increase in visibility will help increase your brand recognition. By posting valuable content on a regular basis, you are making customers aware of you which will increase interest and perhaps new business.
Customers follow and interact with their favorite brands
95% of online adults are likely to follow a brand on social media (source: MarketingSherpa). They follow and engage with brands because they find their content valuable and informative. Social media allows you to be more conversational and personable instead of a direct marketing pitch. Marketers see social media as a way to get to know their audience better in a more personal way and even offer assistance. It’s not unusual to find discussions on Twitter between customers and brands. Smart businesses take advantage of social media to engage and assist their customers on social media.
Social media marketing helps improve your brand authority
The more you post valuable content on social media, the better you position yourself to be the leader and expert in your marketplace. As others share your content with their friends and mention you in their posts, this helps build your brand authority even further. This sharing of content will allow new people to discover what your business is all about and will allow you to gain even more followers.
Social media marketing leads to higher conversion rates
When you post valuable content on a consistent basis and engage with your followers, you are building a report with your leads and customers. This online relationship increases trust and credibility which leads to more sales because you are bringing a more human element to your brand as you show your personality and warmth.
Social media marketing increases traffic to your website
Social media marketing is a great way to get people to visit your website not to mention excellent for your search engine optimization efforts. People can learn about your website through your social media profile as well as the content that you post. As you direct people to your website in your posts, you have the opportunity to convert them into leads and hopefully customers.
Social media marketing will help improve your search engine ranking
Having a strong social media presence tells search engines that your brand is valuable, credible, and trustworthy. This is one of the factors that will help your company come up high on search engines. Don’t be surprised if Google shows a link to one of your social media accounts above your company website. The more active you are on social media, the better chances that will happen.
You can target your audience with social media advertising
Social media advertising such as Facebook ads can help you find your ideal customer with its excellent targeting capabilities. This can be a great compliment to your organic social media activity. Social media advertising is one of the quickest and most cost-effective ways of getting people to know about your business and find new customers.
Your competitors are on social media
No matter what type of business you’re in, there’s a good chance your competitors are already on social media. If you want to remain competitive in this digital era we live in, it’s vital that you have a presence on social media. Social media allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and experience to the masses. Social media allows you to show your unique voice and character that sets you apart from your competitors. Social media marketing is something you should not ignore.
We hope this article motivates you to incorporate social media marketing into your business’s marketing strategy. If you don’t know where to begin and want some coaching, we’d be happy to speak with you.
Contact us to schedule a free consultation and discuss our services.