Visual Media had the pleasure of working with the Hidden Summit Group to transform their website into a premier online coaching platform to drive their business.
Hidden Summit offers an online coaching platform for individuals looking to improve their body and mind.
The site features a private section for members to access nutrition and fitness information, e-commerce integration, and online registration system to join.
We taught the client how to make edits to the website on their own. They love this feature as they update their content often.
When they get stuck or need an extra hand, we're here to step in and help them with their website maintenance. The web building tool we use allows us to make changes super fast. 50% faster than when we build sites with WordPress. This saves us a lot of time and our clients a lot of money. Contact us to learn more.
Website Design
Website Development
Mobile Website Design
E-Commerce Website
User Interface Design
CMS System
Page loading speed is an important ranking factor for organic Google search results.
Home Page Screenshot
All of the websites we develop use a technique called “responsive design”, which means the page content and images dynamically resize to fit the size of the screen being viewed. This allows visitors a beautiful experience on tablets and mobile phones in addition to computer screens. In addition, we can simplify the mobile view so that it loads quickly. Your company website will get a search engine ranking boost by optimizing the page load times of your mobile website. Google has recently adopted mobile-first indexing, using only the mobile version of pages for crawling and ranking. So mobile-friendliness and mobile page speed is a confirmed ranking factor. Contact us to learn more.